Under the current traffic light system we are able to provide face-to-face consultations. We will continue to offer Telehealth services for those who would prefer this option (e.g. those who are immune compromised, frail or unvaccinated).

Please take note of the changes that we have implemented for the safety of our patients and clinic staff.

Screening & Self-care:

  • All patients will be screened at reception for any Covid-19 risks.

  • We request that you wear a face mask whilst you are in the clinic. If required, masks and gloves will be available at a cost of $3.

  • Please use the hand sanitiser at the reception door when you arrive and leave.

  • Please scan in using the QR code every time you attend an appointment. Please advise us if any of your contact details have changed, should we need to get in touch with you.

  • If you are unwell, have been in contact with a positive case of Covid-19, been to any of the places of interest at the specified time or are awaiting a Covid-19 test result please call the clinic to let us know. We will reschedule your appointment to protect our staff and all patients.

  • If you have had a positive Covid-19 test result, please do not come into the clinic until you have notification of a negative test or have been symptom free for 14 days.

  • Our staff have been advised not to attend work if they have any flu-like symptoms. These staff can only return to work once they are well and have been tested for Covid-19.

  • We will be checking vaccine passports - this is designed simply to assist with our internal health and safety risk management procedures. Please notify us if you are unvaccinated so that we can put additional measures in place to manage your/our health and safety. Some of our staff have young children who are unable to be vaccinated or family members who are immune compromised.

Additional Clinic Procedures: 

  • Please arrive at the time of your appointment to prevent unnecessary contact between patients entering and leaving the clinic.

  • Physical distancing requirements continue - we will be enforcing the 1m rule wherever possible. We ask that you bring only one support person or family member with you, if this is needed.

  • There may be a small gap between appointments to allow for additional cleaning management in line with the Ministry of Health guidelines. Appointments will be staggered to limit contact between patients entering/leaving reception. Please be patient if we are running a few minutes late as we get used to working differently to manage the health and safety requirements.

  • Following each examination we will clean and disinfect the area regardless of the infection status of each patient. This process includes changing of bedding and the cleaning of all frequently touched surfaces e.g. reception counter, door handles, chairs.

  • Our staff have been provided with PPE and will use this according to the Ministry of Health guidelines and especially for our oncology patients and those who are immune compromised.

  • Gym users - please bring a large towel to place over the mat. Please bring your own theraband if this is an item you use regularly.

  • We will not be allowing walk-in clients.

  • We now have visa facilities and offer contactless payment.

  • Please be kind to yourself, one another and our staff - we’re all doing the best we can in difficult circumstances but we are stronger together.

Please reach out to us if you still have any additional concerns or questions! We look forward to slowly moving back to normal but remain very committed doing all that we can to keep our patients and staff safe and well and prevent the community spread of Covid-19.